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Healthy Meal Prep: Promoting Skin & Hair Health

Good nutrition is the foundation for healthy hair and radiant skin. By incorporating specific foods into your diet, you can nourish your hair and skin from within and promote a natural glow! In this blog post, I will share easy and nutritious meal ideas that I make for my family, and they're not only delicious but also beneficial for your hair/skin and overall health!

Grilled Salmon with Enoki Mushrooms!

Grilled salmon is rich in protein content, which is essential for hair growth. Hair strands are primarily composed of a protein called keratin. Consuming an adequate amount of protein, like that found in salmon, helps support the growth and strength of hair.

Salmon is renowned for its high omega-3 fatty acid content, particularly EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). These fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help promote a healthy skin and scalp by reducing inflammation that may contribute to conditions like skin and scalp irritation. A healthy scalp is crucial for optimal hair growth. It's also packed with various essential nutrients, including vitamins such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, vitamin B6, and selenium. These nutrients play important roles in supporting optimal brain function, boosting the immune system, promoting bone health, and regulating hormone production. Pair it with Enoki Mushrooms for a dose of antioxidants such as Vitamin C, and E which help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals can lead to premature aging, wrinkles, and skin damage. Consuming foods rich in antioxidants, such as enoki mushrooms, can help maintain healthy and youthful-looking skin. To make this dish, you will need:

  • 1/2 slice of fresh salmon fillets approx. 100g

  • 1/4 pack of Enoki mushrooms

  • Half or 1/4 of onion (use 1/4 for large onion, and half if medium or small sized)

  • Butter 10g (or Olive oil if you love the flavor of Olive oil)

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Soy sauce / Ponzu (I love Ponzu for this recipe)

  • Sake 1 table spoonful (Japanese cooking wine)

  • Aluminum Foil

  1. Begin by slicing the onion into thin slices, cut the Enoki mushroom into easy to eat sizes. Apply salt and pepper to the salmon.

  2. Apply Butter to aluminum foil, and place the sliced onions. Place the salmon on top of the onions, then cover it with the Enoki Mushrooms and some butter. Sprinkle some Sake over it.

  3. Close the aluminum foil like a candy wrapper with all the ingredients safely inside. Place the wrapped foil on the frying pan with about 1/3 of an inch of water and place the lid. Cook on medium heat for about 10-15minutes.

  4. Open one foil and if the onions are nicely browned, it is ready to eat! You can eat it as is or use soy sauce / Ponzu (my favorite) and enjoy!!

Avocadon (Avocado Donburi)

Avocados are packed with healthy fats that moisturize the skin and promote a youthful appearance. They contain vitamin E, which is known for its antioxidant properties that protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E also helps soothe and moisturize the skin. Avocados also provide vitamin C, which supports collagen production, improving skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Today, I am sharing 1 super simple recipe (i'm not sure if you can call it a recipe because it is really too simple) and 1 side dish type of recipe with avocados!

  • You will need a bowl of rice (as much or little as you want)

  • 1 Avocado

  • 1 sheet of Nori (Japanese seaweed)

  • Soy Sauce

  1. Dice the avocados into 1/2 squares

  2. Cut Nori into thin pieces

  3. Put 1 and 2 over a bowl of rice, and sprinkle pieces of Nori over them

  4. Pour some soy sauce and enjoy!

(I use this recipe sometimes for a quick lunch when I don't really have time to prepare a meal for yourself)

Avocado marinated with Japanese condiments

  • 1 Avocado

  • Ponzu 2-3 tablespoon

  • Sugar 1 teaspoon

  • Roasted Sesame oil 1 teaspoon

  • Chopped/ground Garlic 1 clove

  • Ground Ginger approx. 1 teaspoon

  • Sesame seeds (roasted) 1/2 tablespoon

  • Green Onions (enough to sprinkle on top)

  • Red Pepper if you like spicy

Mix all the ingredients together and marinate the diced avocados with it.

It's a good side dish to have when you want to add to your dinner menu

I hope you enjoy these 3 simple recipes using Salmon and Avocados! You can try them at home and experiment with different ingredients to make them your own. Remember, a healthy and balanced diet is key to maintaining a glowing complexion and luscious hair! So make sure to incorporate these nutritious foods into your meals for beautiful, radiant hair and skin! Keep eating healthily and stay beautiful inside out! Happy cooking!

I'd love to hear from you if you've tried these recipes. Leave a comment below with your feedback. Also, do you have any other unique and exciting ways to use avocados? Share them with me!

Happy cooking and eating!

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